Author: admin
Read Dan-ya Shwartz Bar-El's answer to How does big data analytics convert to profit? on Quora
Business is booming for Data-centers in Asia. According to data-center report: “Currently there are 301 collocation data centers from 14 countries in Asia” Source:...
Take a look at this slide-share that illustrates statistics about data growth and how it’s being stored. It also defines the various technologies you...
Read Ricardo Vladimiro's answer to Why did R language lose data? on Quora
Over the last decade, cloud computing has gained influence as businesses are compelled to migrate to this new platform. Virtualization has capitalized on cost...
Why Business should use Cloud Storage? Check out the info-graphic below:
Did you know? How Cloud Computing Works? Check out this video below!
Read Colin Ristig‘s answer to What is the best Python IDE for doing data analysis/science and ML on Macs? on Quora
The popularity of Big Data lies within its broad definition of employing high volume, velocity, and variety data sets that are difficult to manage and...