
Welcome to the age of industrial internet

Everyone’s talking about the “Internet of Things,” but what exactly does that mean for our future? In this thoughtful talk, economist Marco Annunziata looks at how technology is transforming the industrial sector, creating machines that can see, feel, sense and react — so they can be operated far more efficiently. Think airplane parts that send an alert when they need to be serviced or wind turbines that communicate with one another to generate more electricity. It’s a future with exciting implications for us all.

MARCO ANNUNZIATA is the Chief Economist of General Electric. A member of the ECB’s Shadow Council and the European Council of Economists, he has been featured on Bloomberg, CNBC, and in the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal

He talked About how the future is happening now. Over the past 200 years, the world has experienced two major waves of innovation. First, the Industrial Revolution brought us machines and factories, railways, electricity, air travel, and our lives have never been the same. Then the Internet revolution brought us computing power, data networks, unprecedented access to information and communication, and our lives have never been the same.

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