
How is the Automotive Industry transforming with Cloud?

Cloud computing has altered the way many companies operate, accelerating innovation and enhancing the rate of business continuity. The cloud movement was aided by the digital and smart revolutions, which made even mission-critical solutions easier and more effective. This can be seen everywhere, from smart gadgets to large-scale processes in a manufacturing facility. The key feature of cloud computing technology is that everything is available on demand. The automotive industry has a reputation for being quick to accept any new technology that reaches the market. Cloud computing is playing a critical role in the transformation of the automobile sector.

1) Cost Reduction

The first and most important advantage that the cloud environment provides is in terms of maintenance.’ On-site IT hardware inherently costs more in terms of power consumption, personnel, and routine maintenance. Cloud computing, offloads everything onto the shoulders of a service provider, lowering your maintenance expenses. It is your cloud computing provider’s responsibility to maintain your system by frequent monitoring, upgrades, and other means to keep your business functioning. Furthermore, in a cloud environment, you may only pay for what you utilize.

2) Complex Infrastructure

High-level activities, both technically and non-technically, are involved in the automotive business. The car sector necessitates scalability for business continuity and robust infrastructure support due to the mix of high-level technical jobs, analytics, and extensive dealer networks. You may require extra storage and resources at times, as well as restricted timelines to bring things to reality. These are successfully addressed by the cloud platform.

3) Autonomous driving

One of the most major developments in transportation is autonomous driving, which affects both technology and core business strategy. The cloud can assist organisations in building the infrastructure and technologies needed to develop autonomous driving solutions. Simultaneously, establishing an AI system capable of acting as a safe driver is one of the most difficult machine learning (ML) tasks to tackle on a broad scale.

4) System Performance

Continuous data flow and uninterrupted network service may be required by infotainment systems and GPS services. Furthermore, much research is being conducted to make automobiles smarter and operate on machine intelligence. All of this necessitates continuous services, constant information flow, and system readiness on demand. It’s made feasible via the cloud!

5) Connected cars

The present vehicle is a supercomputer that generates large data volumes gathered in real-time from 60-100 sensors. Unfortunately, the majority of this data is unstructured, held in isolated systems, and vulnerable to hackers. Simultaneously, the vehicle’s electronics and software are growing more complicated. Between 2010 and 2016, the number of lines of code required for a typical automobile climbed 15-fold, as did the complexity of suppliers and procedures.

6) Security and Risks

Given the constant availability and monitoring provided by service providers, the cloud unquestionably provides a security benefit by significantly lowering the danger of failures and breakdowns. Furthermore, frequent data backups guarantee that crucial information is not lost in the event of a sudden failure. Cloud professionals conduct system testing regularly to satisfy changing user requests.

7) Shared mobility

Almost every vision of better mobility includes the optimization of ridesharing services. In a variety of ways, Google Maps Platform assists ridesharing and delivery businesses in improving driver navigation and the overall efficiency of their fleets.

Developers may include a Google Maps-powered turn-by-turn navigation experience into their applications at the driver level. This eliminates the need for drivers to switch between applications to acquire directions or information about their next task. It also allows businesses to access information about a driver’s travel. Organizations can better assign drivers and reduce driver idle time and customer wait times with this programmatic control and visibility into driver behaviour. One early adopter of ridesharing service reported a 4% decrease in driving times and a 48 per cent improvement in the accuracy of anticipated arrival times.

8) Safe Environment

One critical feature of cloud computing is data security. Cloud companies do this by conducting frequent backup sessions, hence reducing potential data dangers. As a result, the cloud environment saves money, which may be a big loss in the event of a severe system failure. There are several ways in which cloud computing technology might benefit the automobile sector.


Manufacturing duties for the automobile industry, on the other hand, are typically carried out on-site. This might be due to a variety of factors, including latency, data residency regulations in some countries, and the user’s wishes for data to be maintained locally. These challenges are addressed by a cloud-native, managed platform, which allows customers to develop and operate their systems as if they were in the cloud. Cloud computing is a software-only stack that runs on the hardware of the customer’s choice. Cloud workloads may also be easily transferred to cloud providers at any time.

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