
Cloud Computing and the Future of Internet Technology

In a 2010 survey, Technology experts and stakeholders said we’ll live in the cloud in 2020 and not on the desktop, working through cyberspace‐based applications accessed through networked devices. Well, it’s 2022, and we can say that they were partially correct. We currently have a desktop-cloud hybrid system where both are in use. But with time, these expert words might stand true.

The future of computing is cloud-based when it involves internet technology. With the progress of cloud computing, businesses can leverage powerful technologies with minimal investment and high returns. With its broad scope and scalable infrastructure, cloud computing has already proven its worth for numerous companies. Soon, cloud-based technologies will be widely adopted, leading to benefits for both customers and providers.

But what exactly is the cloud? Simply put, the cloud is Internet Storage. More specifically, we can access all the data remotely on the Internet. So, when something is in the cloud, it exists on Internet servers instead of your computer’s internal storage.

Private or public, the top goal of cloud computing is to provide easy and scalable access to computing resources and IT services. Cloud infrastructure involves the hardware and software components required to implement a cloud computing model correctly. In the future also, cloud is also expected to play a crucial role in transforming businesses across industry verticals.

Expected Influence of Cloud Computing in the Future

1.) Increased Storage Capacity

Today, data generation is at an all-time high and getting higher. It’s tough to maintain such a massive amount of data safely. Most businesses keep business and customer data in physical data centers. The increased demand for cloud computing will lead to a higher storage capacity. Cloud server providers expect to supply these additional cloud-based data centers at lower prices as more organizations use cloud technology, which can help businesses.

2.) Modular Software Prioritization

Individual programs are getting increasingly sophisticated, resulting in cloud computing technologies requiring advanced system thinking. Currently, cloud computing solutions put in use by businesses necessitate extensive customization in terms of functionality and security. The new programs will be more user-friendly and versatile. With further advancements within the cloud, these software solutions will be considerably faster and more agile in the long term, saving time and money.

3.) Enhanced Cloud Services

Cloud computing provides a wide variety of services, namely Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), software-as-a-service (SaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). These services are incredibly crucial to attaining business objectives. Many studies have indicated that cloud computing will be a dominant technology soon, with SaaS solutions accounting for a massive chunk of the workload.

4.) Better Security

Data saved on cloud servers are currently secure to some extent. However, smaller cloud service providers might not be able to supply or comprehend all of the safeguards required for appropriate data protection. Future cloud services will use better cybersecurity safeguards and enforce better safety practices to stop and prevent cyber-attacks. As a result, businesses will be able to focus on more crucial duties rather than worrying about data security or alternate data storage techniques.

5.) Economic Influence 

The demand for hardware will minimize if cloud computing continues to evolve at its current rate or faster. Most operations and business processes will become virtual and use cloud computing which can highly reduce the expense of setting up physical infrastructure and software installations. Furthermore, as cloud computing advances, data analysis and interpretation will become automated and virtualized, eliminating the necessity for human intervention.

6.) Cloud Technology and Safer Collaboration

Collaboration between businesses is a crucial part of their operation. With the need for collaboration, the demand for tight document control and easy, anywhere access also increases. Anyone with correct security privileges can access the files within the cloud at any time to review, receive feedback, and edit content. You are familiar with some big names like Dropbox, Google, and Adobe in this market space.


The cloud computing market size is growing at an increasingly fast rate and now businesses can leverage powerful technologies with minimal investment and high returns. Cloud Computing is going to majorly influence the future of internet technology. Are you embracing all the benefits cloud has to offer?

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