
Tyrone-Intel oneAPI Webinar: Optimized Tools for Performance-Driven, Cross-Architecture Applications

For all that we’re unable to attend or would like to recap our live webinar Optimized Tools for Performance-Driven, Cross-Architecture Applications, all the resources you need are available to you!

Learn about oneAPI and Kubyts can be used and how it applies to you in the real world.

Modern workloads are incredibly diverse and so are architectures. No single architecture is best for every workload. Maximizing performance takes a mix of architectures deployed in CPU, GPU, FPGA, and other future accelerators. Intel® oneAPI products deliver the tools needed to deploy applications and solutions across SVMS architectures. Learn about oneAPI and how they can be used in multiple domains including HPC, IoT, Data Science, and AI.

Watch the Optimized Tools for Performance-Driven, Cross-Architecture Applications below!

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