
Tyrone-Intel oneAPI Webinar: Getting started with Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit

For all that we’re unable to attend or would like to recap our live webinar Getting started with Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit, all the resources you need are available to you!

Learn about the fundamentals of oneAPI with a hands-on demonstration on how to utilize oneAPI Base Toolkit to deliver the freedom to develop and to deploy applications and solutions across CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs architectures.

Driving a new era of accelerated computing, enhance your knowledge and skills with Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit how they can be used in multiple domains including HPC, Rendering, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT, Data Science, and AI. Get started with this toolkit that enables developers of all types to build, test, and deploy performance-driven, data-centric applications across CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs.

Watch the Tyrone-Intel oneAPI Webinar: Getting started with Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit below!

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