
How Cloud Services are helping Companies during COVID 19?

Almost every government all over the world implemented lockdowns and community quarantines, people and businesses rely on technology to continue with their lives. Deprived of their usual ability to move around physically, they have now learnt to turn to the internet and various web tools as well as sites to continue to work, conduct business, entertain or find new customers.

The ongoing covid19 pandemic demonstrates how cloud computing has become essential and useful in the modern world. Many of the conveniences, needs, emergency tools as well as tracking patients and making communities safer and other services available online are made possible by cloud computing only. From games to productivity apps and the software used by businesses and institutions, there’s a vital role cloud computing plays.

The Cloud helps Enable dependable online commerce

Amidst the global lockdowns, there is still the need to get food and supplies as well as other amenities. Almost all online retailers rely on the cloud to operate especially as they face a surge in transactions and a load of huge number of buyers.

Stores that still use traditional web hosting are likely to experience downtimes as they run out of network resources to handle the drastic increases in traffic and end up in crashing of their sites loosing important opportunity to get more customers. Cloud hosting solutions are highly scalable, so a sudden rise in traffic is unlikely to disrupt business.

Additionally, cloud technology driven hosting and providers are more equipped and experienced in dealing with cyber-attacks as well as a lot of other cyber crimes. They can protect their servers from DDoS, hacking, and other threats better than organizations that operate on-site servers. This therefore, means that cloud technology solutions help to majorly minimize instances of downtimes brought about by cyber-attacks.

It’s also worth highlighting here, the cloud helps cybercrimes such as carding or credit card thefts since they are well equipped with the right infrastructure and technology as compared to outdated hosting methods. As carding online fraud (credit card stuffing) operators turn to the dark cloud to make their schemes work, reputable cloud service providers help create a strong and robust formidable barrier against such cybercrimes. They also help ensure that their networks remain malware-free and that anomalous activities are quickly detected and stopped as soon as possible with the help of AI as other robust tools available to them. Legitimate cloud operators usually work with security firms, financial industry, researchers, and law enforcement officials as well as government bodies to keep cyber threats at bay.

The cloud Supports health services at times of global crises and quick turnarounds accurately

A medical report by West Monroe Partners says that the global healthcare industry leads the finance of every country and even the energy and utilities sectors when it comes to cloud usage. Innumerable hospitals, healthcare institutions, research labs, Pharma companies, trial firms, and government health service agencies have all digitalised and brought their data to the cloud to optimise services and maximise patient outcomes as well as medicine and vaccine production and trials.

This early cloud adoption is a big benefit and time saver and life saver in the fight against the  dangerous pandemic as it improves on the ability to analyse relevant data to improve response. Cloud computing is more than just about data storage and safety. It also lowers IT costs for health facilities as they nullify the need to train personnel, purchase equipment, and provide physical space for the IT people and hardware. Additionally, it eases interoperability by enabling data and system integrations.

Moreover, the cloud technology supports telemedicine making times like the pandemic a huge platform to try and test the service. Remote data accessibility and interactive online tools make it possible for doctors and other health workers to provide services from a distance. Telehealth is becoming more useful as people try to avoid personally interacting with other people and find it difficult to travel as well. It’s useful for diagnosing certain types of conditions as well as for the processing of healthcare claims.

Scaling up companies thanks to cloud adoption and cloud technology implementation

With the companies and industries facing a recession like time, the scaling-up aspect of cloud is particularly important with ecommerce businesses. They need to scale up to meet the demand quickly. The cloud computing main benefit is it could order the stock in quickly, pack it and dispatch it more swiftly, and log all this in accounts much more efficiently.

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