Cloud has become an essential part of the IT framework. It acts as an accelerator for digital transformation, solves the data woes and enables...
Industry influencers, academicians, and other prominent stakeholders certainly agree that Big Data has become a big game-changer in most, if not all, types of modern...
What does it take to run high-performance, containerized financial systems and keep them protected according to strict data protection, Kubernetes storage, OpenShift Container Platform, and...
Blockchain technology enables new ways of organizing economic activities, reduces costs and time associated with intermediaries, and strengthens the trust in an ecosystem of...
Any company—no matter its size or public profile—that manages any of its processes digitally is a potential target for a ransomware attack. While it’s...
The convergence of 5G cellular, IoT and Advanced Data Analytics is going to disrupt the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) ecosystem. The combined effect...
High availability and resilience are key features of Kubernetes. But what do you do when your Kubernetes cluster starts to become unstable and it...
Now more than ever, Software as a Service (SaaS) applications not only enable communication and collaboration, they’re also a lifeline for remote workers, and...
Blockchain technology is still relatively new to most people. If you ask the random person walking down the street what the blockchain is, they’ll...
Today’s businesses have unprecedented advantages in connecting with customers. By drawing on massive repositories of user data, companies can offer useful tailored solutions, winning...