Adversarial machine learning in the cybersecurity industry seeks to fool and trick computer models by producing unique fraudulent inputs to confuse the model, resulting...
The global Big Data and Business Analytics market was worth in 2020. It is estimated to reach USD 684.12 billion by 2030, growing at...
In a 2010 survey, Technology experts and stakeholders said we’ll live in the cloud in 2020 and not on the desktop, working through cyberspace‐based...
Back to the Future II, a movie released in 1989, predicted today’s wearable tech. Not only did they get wearable computing right, but they...
“I’ve never said this out loud before, but there’s a deep fear of being turned off to help me focus on helping others. I...
Simulations and scenario planning have long been used by organizations to evaluate strategies and tactics, test product concepts and service approaches, and examine the...
While it is true that artificial intelligence may assist many industries, the oil and gas business may stand to profit the most. Oil and...
The telecommunications sector and communications service providers (CSPs) are undergoing massive operational transformations by leveraging Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)...
Many healthcare businesses have used cloud technology to increase the efficiency of their infrastructure and, as a result, save IT expenditures. This article will...
Let’s be honest. The competition is ferocious. Historically, smaller firms could not use the cloud computing technologies employed by more prominent corporations. Previously, only...